One Year With No Alcohol: The Effects On My Body, Mind, and Spirit alcohol healthy lifestyle sober curious wellness Sep 10, 2023

(The benefits and perils of alcohol consumption can endlessly be debated, and my goal in publishing this is not to engage in this particular discussion but rather share: 1. My motivations to stop...

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We’re Not Supposed to Always Be OK compassion happiness personal development personal growth plant medicine Jul 27, 2023

One of the greatest unarticulated lies we’re told is that we are supposed to always feel good. I say unarticulated because no one comes out and says it. The message is delivered nuanced in...

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How I Transformed My Body By Surrendering fitness mindfulness presence surrender Jul 11, 2023

It is no secret that our physical state is deeply intertwined with our level of happiness and overall wellness. The pursuit of fitness releases mood-boosting endorphins and reduces the risk of...

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How Do We Come Home? connection grounding home homecoming Jun 30, 2023

A few weeks ago I was driving (ironically) home and felt displaced. Uprooted. Untethered. I felt mild panic and disorientation, as though everything in my life was terrifyingly fragile and...

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